All information regarding the hotel including location, distance from major cities, room types, in house facilities, nearby places to visit etc
Contactless check in without queues and Express Checkout through the app
Guests can upload documents digitally and opt for speedy check ins
Fully loaded dashboard to connect all departments of the hotel and for seamless coordination and optimization of resources and inventory.
Guests can request for any type of services, information on amenities from the chat feature in the web app. Every conversation is logged to keep staff accountable.
Access all the in-house amenities including restaurant menu, spa, room type and all other available facilities to ensure the guests have a hyper personalized stay
for express checkouts-Safe and secure pay through the app through multiple payment options.
Upsell and cross sell the amenities by sending push notifications and giving special offers to the guests. Room upgrades, pick up and drop, early check in,late check-out, F&B upgrades etc can bring in more revenue to the hotel.

App can literally displace the intercom thereby cutting down on a huge investment and manpower.
Ensure your guests re visit your property by sending exciting personalized offers to them based on their previous stay.
Identify the areas where your guests are “not happy” and improve them and gather positive feedback about the great services on Google Reviews,Expedia,Tripadvisor/Tripoto and similar sites.
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